Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Paula Estey April Reception at 29 Newbury

Family Ties

Join us 
April 22, 2012
29 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116

Family Ties Statement
I begin with tiny snapshots. I like that the painting begins on paper—slightly
wrinkled, worn, and transitory. The snapshots are from my family’s archives
of photographs over the past 100 years, portraits of people that I sense have
touched my life somewhere, somehow, however momentarily. Six degrees
of separation. Less.

The pixels are the portals through which I access the stories inside the snaps.
And as one imagines a snap shot ‘freezing’ the moment, I unfreeze it and
open it to interpretation through the intuition I have, the mediums I use,
through heart and soul. Through art.

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