Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Artist Chris Flisher!

Chris Flisher has been creating spiritually-realized drawings for years.  The inspiration for the artwork sprang initially from his love of astrology.  Astrology uses circles and cycles to represent the changing universe.  As the planets drift through the cosmos; as the seasons change; as the days come and go; the universe evolves and expands in a timeless swirl of circular motion.  As above, so below.  The very essence of the circle is at the core of our DNA and the patterns of nature, time, and space.

The drawings evolve from the subconscious and are created in a stream of consciousness involving concentration and meditation.  All designs, patterns, and symbols are original and one of a kind.  The swirl of color, textures, and spiritual symbolism are all part of the process.  Although these are not typical paintings, they evolve from the same spiritual center and are offered to the universe for the collective good of all.

Chris is also the host of the weekly radio talk show, "Turning Of The Wheel," on Contact Talk Radio.  Incorporating astrology, art, and spiritual adventure, the shows provide a lively forum for exploring non-traditional methods for coping.  They are a very popular download podcast from iTunes.  The show has aired for five consecutive years.  His book, "Mandalas ~ Spirit In Art" is a popular addition at several museum bookstores in New York and New England.

In addition, Chris regularly teaches classes on art, astrology, and healing.  His work has appeared in several galleries throughout the northeast and Europe.  He has been the subject of radio talk shows, newspaper and magazine articles and has appeared on national television. 

Chris is an avid writer and has written for numerous music publications.  He is a published poet and has an on-going astrology practice.  



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