Monday, April 9, 2012

Friday Artist Receptions

Join us Friday
April 13, 2012
162 Boylston Street

Tally Forbes at Gallery 601

"From Sketch to Final Painting" 


Most of my paintings begin as a series of small sketches.  For the most part I sketch from photos I take with my IPhone at home or when I travel. When I sketch, I am looking for the movement of the scene, how the people and the surrounding area work together.  I manipulate and combine my iPhone images to capture a composition that provokes conversation between the viewer and the painting. My goal is to actively engage the viewer in each piece. “What is happening here? What is the atmosphere?  Can you hear the sounds, smell the aromas? What are those shadows? Who is going where, and why?”

I begin with a pen working fast to capture the action in the sketch with no editing or erasing allowed. Every mark is important.  Shadows dancing, the spaces between people and shapes guide my pen. In my larger final paintings, I add and subtract elements from the sketches that contribute to the larger format, building the composition almost like a collage as I paint.

I think of my work as an “abstraction” of reality. I am interested in the interaction of the shapes and forms taken from real life, but abstracted to fit my particular vision of the world.

The flow of land and figure gives expression to the wonder of life. What I see with my eyes is just the half of it. What I paint is the other half.

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