Friday, June 22, 2012

New Artist Lou O'Keefe!

Artist Statement
My goal as an artist is to bring my paintings from a one-dimensional surface to a three dimensional experience.  The combination of bold colors, contrasting values, and unique subject matter elicits emotion from the viewer.  Therefore, allowing them to step into the painting instead of simply viewing it.  My paintings are not just a duplication of what my eyes see but rather a visual of what my soul feels.

The Process
Lou’s inspiration comes from his interpretation of nature’s large and small shapes with light and dark colors in landscapes and seascapes.  He paints in the acrylic medium because of its versatility.  Acrylic’s quick drying time allows him to glaze some areas of the painting to achieve a transparent wash like watercolors whereas other areas of the canvas the paint is layered thickly for an oil effect.

His paintings are composed from painting studies done en plein air, sketches, and photographs.   First he sketches his subject with black gesso and then he glazes the canvas with vivid transparent colors to help create an overall emotional tone.   From there, colors are layered over the glaze, thus creating the color vibrancy he is looking for. 

Lou expresses his creativity through his bold use of color.  His paintings are not always portraying a particular time of day but rather a feeling.  Therefore, he allows the painting to tell him which colors to use instead of just depicting what nature is showing.  



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